After you’ve checked out our site, we’d love for you to come by and see the daily goins’ ons at our quirky handmade tile studio in the sticks of southern New Hampshire. If goofy dogs, cool tile, and an eclectic group of former interior designers, high end tile sales consultants, and art school dropouts having fun making tile, and often times experimenting with all things awesome is your thing, then our blog will be right up your alley. Even if its not, it’s a fun way to look into the magical world of handmade tile.


It's Glazing Day!

Hey, everyone!

Today is glazing day - our artists are glazing all of the pieces we need for the upcoming projects. We've taken a few photos of different trays so you can see what the pieces look like before they go in the kiln! It's quite the transformation they make...

These are some of our Wet Dog Mosaics - rounds and drops

More of the Wet Dog Mosaics, this time with some added kelp! The red color you see towards the bottom is going to make a pretty wild transformation inside the kiln!

This is our wall of glazes - we have a lot to choose from! Click 'here' for a list of our neutral glazes, or click 'here' for a list of our color glazes!

Next week we'll post the 'after' photos so everyone can see exactly what we mean when we say 'wild transformation'! 

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