After you’ve checked out our site, we’d love for you to come by and see the daily goins’ ons at our quirky handmade tile studio in the sticks of southern New Hampshire. If goofy dogs, cool tile, and an eclectic group of former interior designers, high end tile sales consultants, and art school dropouts having fun making tile, and often times experimenting with all things awesome is your thing, then our blog will be right up your alley. Even if its not, it’s a fun way to look into the magical world of handmade tile.


"What's Up, Wet Dog Tile?"

We know everyone is just dying to know what's happening at the shop this week - so we'll tell you! 

Right now we're getting together the necessary pieces to set up displays for our new showrooms! We've spent time cutting wood, building, painting, staining, and distressing the frames for the display boards shown below...

These are only a small fraction of the total amount we've got ready to go!

We've put together murals, borders, color displays, texture displays, and more. Not only have we worked on displays, but we've worked on our new tile pieces as well. With the release of our new friends, borders, and murals last week we've been keeping up with demand and trying to keep a good inventory! 

Production on newer pieces has already started and we are so excited to show them (when they're ready, of course)!


Well, there you have it! Everyone can finally rest easy knowing what Wet Dog Tile has been up to lately!

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